2024-02-22 00:00:01 23:59:59 ⭐️ MAESTROS SEBASTIAN ARCE & MARIANA MONTES ⭐️ Last Tour - 4 Seasons ❄️ Winter Edition @ Tangoloft Vienna Maria & Pablo info@tangoacademia.at Tangoloft Cothmannstraße 9/1, 1120 Wien PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM"In the professional program we will approach all important matters in the life of a professional in the sphere of Tango. We will cover subjects such as methodologies, school structure, marketing and social media, networking, and of course dancing and performing. This section for professionals will not just be theorical but also practical, and people will have to send their applications to participate! Why?Because we organise this section for FREE, in order to help develop the Tango, aswe did with Sebastian for over now 25 years"M. Montes TANGO DE PISTA AND SOCIAL PROGRAM"In this section of classes we will go deep into dancing techniques of our method.Mostly focused on connection, and interpretation. Since we consider that these two aspects will help improve the dance of the community, in quality"S. Arce More info: https://www.tangoacademia.at/la-academia/sebastian-arce/ siehe Website: ---