2024-03-10 18:30:00 19:30:00 𝗔𝗕𝗥𝗔𝗭𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗢 ❤️ **Today join the all levels class at 17:00** IMPROVE YOUR TANGO. Technique for both roles with Jessica Gerdel Jessica Gerdel contact@jessicagerdel.com EWTO Akademie (Haydngasse 1, 1060) Clean the technique of what you already know and expand your knowledge to advance in your dance.Your registration includes free practice time before the class (18:05 to 18:30). I focus on body awareness, connection between dance partners and with the music, to help you gain ease in your movements and favour the improvisation which is at the core of tango argentino, as well as in the social aspects of this dance. This is a mixed-level course where you need some previous experience to follow the group's pace (not necessarily advanced knowledge, contents and instructions are adapted to gauge the participants' level). It's recommended for beginners with previous experience, intermediate, and those interested in continuously improving their tango technique or learning both roles. As well as for those that consider themselves advanced and are looking for greater ease of movement and connection with different dance partners. Classes are in English, or bilingual English/Spanish according to the group's needs. If you don't feel comfortable with these languages we'll manage to help you with translation to Deutsch. Join with or without a dance partner. Change of roles is welcomed and encouraged. When? Sunday at 18:30 (+ free practice time from 18:05 to 18:30) Where? EWTO Akademie (Entrance on Haydngasse 1, 1060) Parkett floor. You're welcome to use any kind of shoes. Don't we know each other yet? I'm a Yoga and Tango Argentino certified instructor, graduated from the University of Tango in Buenos Aires, with additional training in somatic education. I facilitate workshops for Body-Mind Integration and well-being through tango and conscious movement, and organize cultural immersion experiences in Argentina and other Latin American countries. Currently based in Vienna, I teach weekly courses and private lessons, and organize the Milonga Itinerante which is a welcoming space for tango enthusiasts of all backgrounds regardless of what point in their tango path they're at. ABOUT THE COURSES: Come as you are! It's not required to attend with a partner, just openness to dance with any person in the room. You're free to learn/practice the role(s) of your choice. You'll be encouraged to learn both. You'll need some previous knowledge to join this improvers course. If you're new to tango join the beginners course. Check my other events in the calendar or my Website for details. Spoiler alert: My classes aren't about collecting memorized steps. Come if you choose quality over quantity and are interested in diving deeper into the mechanics of movement and the interpersonal + social aspects of this dance. CONTACT: contact@jessicagerdel.com Facebook/Instagram: Abrazatango +43 681 10323630 ~~~ Aprende a conectar con tu cuerpo, con tu pareja y con la música de forma divertida y sencilla, mejorando la técnica de lo que ya sabes e incorporando nuevos conocimientos para avanzar en tu baile. En estas clases no coleccionamos pasos memorizados. Ven si prefieres calidad antes que cantidad. Nos enfocamos en la conciencia corporal y la mecánica del movimiento. En que puedas elegir qué movimientos/secuencias hacer y construir las propias, desde el diálogo corporal y la relación con la música en vez de repetir automatismos. Me interesa que entrenes la conciencia corporal y amplíes tus habilidades para la improvisación mientras ganas confianza en tu baile, con la paciencia que implica todo proceso de aprendizaje. Jessica Gerdel es profesora certificada de Yoga y de Tango Argentino, graduada en la Universidad del Tango de Buenos Aires y con formación en educación somática. Se dedica a facilitar talleres para el bienestar psico-socio-emocional a través del tango y el movimiento consciente, y organiza experiencias de inmersión cultural en Argentina y otros países de Latinoamérica. Actualmente en Viena, da clases grupales con frecuencia semanal y clases particulares, y organiza la Milonga Itinerante como espacio que da la bienvenida a toda persona entusiasta del tango sin importar en qué punto de su camino en el tango se encuentre. No es necesario asistir en pareja, sólo venir con mente abierta y disposición a bailar con cualquier persona en la sala. Son bienvenidas las parejas del mismo sexo y personas no binarias. Eres libre de aprender el rol que quieras. Te animo a aprender los dos. Las clases son en inglés (y español si no hablas inglés) los domingos. Necesitarás conocimientos previos de tango para sumarte a esta clase. Si estás comenzando en el tango súmate a las clases para principiantes. Ubica mis otros eventos en el calendario o en mi página web para más info. CONTACTO: contact@jessicagerdel.com Facebook/Instagram: Abrazatango +43 681 10323630 https://www.jessicagerdel.com/product/tango-improver/: ---