2024-05-01 18:30:00 19:30:00 🇦🇷TECHNIQUE FOR EVERYONE with JORGE TALQUENCA (LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS ARE WELCOME-OPEN LEVEL) Jorge Talquenca info@jt-tango.com Malzgase 12A, 1020 Wien New season are coming...Vuelven los buenos abrazos!Some of you already know the address!(Malzgasse 12A, 1020 Wien)https://g.page/jorge-talquenca-tango?share -Do you want to get to know and learn to dance Argentinian Tango? Join the beginners class!-If you want to improve your technique, the Technique for leaders (men and women) class is for you!-Come with your partner to the intermediate and advanced level classes and discover a new way to dance, embrace and share.-Are you a woman who is learning how to lead or do you want to improve the role "leader"? On Wednesdays you have YOUR class.-Do you need a "practica" where you can improve your skills with good music and the assistance of a teacher? "La practica del lunes" is your place. Please book your spot by sending an e-mail to info@jt-tango.comIf you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to write me!Here is the fall/winter schedule:Mondays------------------------------------------------.Beginners 18:00 - 19:00.Guided Practica "La practica del lunes" 19:00-22:00 Tuesdays------------------------------------------------.Technique for leaders 18:00-19:15.Intermediate 19:30-20:45Wednesdays---------------------------------------------.Woman Leaders (All levels / in couple) 18:00-19:15.Intermediate 19:30-20:45See you very soon!!Jorge and Team 70: ---